www.OneBamboo.co.uk copyright © 2013 One Bamboo
All rights reserved

taking control
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  Contact: (click to email)
 Tim Marshall
  email: web@OneBamboo.co.uk
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While every effort has been made to make sure the information in these documents are correct, the author can not be liable for any damages whatsoever for loss relating to these documents. Use this information at your own risk.
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Website design:

Simple single page site

- Do it Your Way

developments (small and large)

History press to link
How the PC was won - or lost?

The Way Forward
to Boldly Go

making the web easier to use,
and taking control
To make the computer and web easier to use

Taking control:

Computers should work the way we think and not force us to adapt to the way it works.

Our aim is to make computers (and computer controlled gizmos) easy to use by everyone - without treating them as idiots. Even if that means making it seemingly more difficult in the short term.

To Boldly Go . . . . . but will you?
An Alternative Keyboard:

Why are we so locked into the old typewriter keyboard?
Even on touchscreens we use the same layout.

- It is not that the layout is any better
- It seems that a single handed keyboard should be much easier.

Entering text and controlling programs with one hand seems more natural
- But instead we use a pointing device that needs good eye-hand coordination
- And is much slower, even tedious when we have to repeat a set of actions.

The solution: the Zonepad
The single handed zonepad can be very small, even as small as a credit card.
The actions of the keys depend on the application -
most if the time it may be letters, but at other times it may be words, or navigation control or any of the actions that are normally associated with icons along the top of the screen.
Except the icons are displayed within the image of the zonepad, indicating which key to press. This means that the icons that litter the top of the screen can disappear and are only visible when they are needed.

For more details .. link here

The microcontroller is an under used device. It can convert a complex control problem into a simple versatile solution, using one chip to replace a large number of logic chips or analogue circuitry. In addition, it allows for reprogrammability (in circuit, if necessary) and an access port to a computer or modem.

We use the Atmel AVR with onboard serial port, RAM, EEPROM and flash program memory.

At present we are using it to design the zonepad and for specialist test equipment.

Can we do anything for you? Contact us
Website design
All businesses have a phone.
They should also have their own domain name for emails.
And therefore a website - if only to say who they are, what they do and how to find them.

It's a simple, cheap advertisement that can provide as much information as the business wants.

It doesn't have to be complicated, in fact, a simple page could be all that is needed. Your web 'elevator pitch', flyer or brochure

We can set it up so that all the basic information you want to provide is on a single non-scrolling page using a simple pointing approach to access all the main information, as on this webpage. It uses links (clicks) for expanded or different topics

Example of sites using this approach: (click on the links)
www.theharpendentrust.org.uk press to link   (charitable trust)
www.NorthMymmsMemorialHall.co.uk press to link  (Community Hall)
www.NorthMymmsPlayers.co.uk press to link  (amateur dramatic group)
www.JustStanding.co.uk press to link  (Chi Kung for Health)
A short history of the PC

An irreverent look at the development of the PC.

Did it develop in the wrong direction?

Can it be put right now?

more .. press to link

It also shows the use of the screen for documents
with paging press to link and scrolling press to link.